
Genshin Impact – How to Enhance Weapons

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This may come as a shock, but weapons are important in Genshin Impact, and knowing how to enhance weapons is critical towards your success. The process isn’t complex, though it will require a lot of gems and useless weapons. Enhance weapons in Genshin Impact by feeding them other weapons and Enhancement Gems. In Genshin Impact, your weapons will rise in power and level when you enhance them, so it’s important to keep the ones you like up to date. Read More...

Temtem – Where to Catch Ganki

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The world of Temtem has a ton of creatures for you to battle and collect, but one of the early game Temtem that catches a lot of people’s eyes in particular is Ganki. Ganki, unlike most other early game Temtem, has dual typing. It’s both wind and electric type, meaning it can cover a wide variety of type matchups. Overall, Ganki is a fantastic Temtem to add to a team, and thankfully, it’s not very difficult to find at all. Read More...

Wii U Gamecube Adapter Bundle Back in Stock at Gamestop

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If you’re still looking for the Wii U Gamecube Adapter than you’re in luck, but you’ll have to act fast. The adapter with one controller bundle is back in stock on Gamestop’s website for the regular price of $49.98. This is still more than just the adapter by itself, but unless you have four Gamecube controllers lying around your house, it’s probably your best bet to grab this ultra rare device. Read More...