In the first Life is Strange, players could go out of their way to find certain things to take pictures of, which acted as the game’s side content, fulfilling achievement and trophy obligations. Life is Strange: Before the Storm replaced photos with graffiti, and now Life is Strange 2 replaces graffiti with the inclusion of various collectibles. Each episode of the game includes six optional collectibles to find, which take the form of patches and keychains that you can add to Sean’s backpack. Read More...
You’ve beaten some sense into Roddy, but now you need to do the same for Lily in Part 3 of our Bravely Default Chapter 2 Walkthrough. There’s clearly something controlling the minds of the townsfolk, and you need to visit Lily in Part 3 of our to get to figure out what.
Since Bravely Default 2 is a narrative-heavy game, I will try to keep all further spoilers to a minimum. Read More...
Learning how to make more Gil as an Alchemist is surprisingly pretty easy. It’s just not that fabulous of a life. While other crafters like Weavers get access to in-demand glamours and Culinarians get access to must-have meals, Alchemists are more on the supplying end of the chain. However, Alchemist’s earning potential opens up a lot earlier than other crafters with some components that only they can craft being needed for far higher level recipes. Read More...