The Shadow Warrior franchise has experienced its fair share of transformations since its 3D Realms debut in 1997. Lo Wang, the series’ protagonist, is a wisecracking ninja whose appearance and mannerisms have changed dramatically between the ’97 original and the 2013 reboot. The transition from his older iteration to the more youthful version many players are now familiar with works well with the fast-paced gun and swordplay the series is known for. Read More...
Progression in Valheim is an extremely satisfying process, where you see yourself advancing through different eras, like Bronze Age, Iron Age and so on. Wooden structures and items can help you start your journey, but eventually as you can imagine, you will need stronger tools and establishments to survive the harsh world.
Before you start handling metal and other more advanced minerals, we first need to master one of the oldest natural ingredients we can find in any environment. Read More...
In order to celebrate their 8 Year Anniversary, Warframe launched a campaign where they give away free goodies, including the weapon Dex Sybaris and a free weapon slot. Alongside it, Excalibur Dex is also part of the deal, making it worthwhile to log into the game just for these alone. Rest assured though that they do have much more currently going on, and for the following weeks, so read below what exactly is waiting for you inside Warframe this month. Read More...