The Bazaar is the first hub area you’ll encounter in Dying Light 2, and the settlement has a hidden safe with a special reward tucked away from all the shops and people. Safes are scattered all across the city in Dying Light 2, and the combination is usually in the same room as the safe. That makes most safes incredibly easy to open, but the note containing the combination for the Bazaar safe isn’t as straightforward as the other ones you’ll find throughout Villedor. Read More...
Dying Light 2 has a unique easter egg Cyberpunk weapon that clearly is inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. To continue the tradition that was strong in their first game, Techland has littered all sorts of easter eggs all over Villedor for players to discover. Whether it is the Hoverboard Parkour Challenge or the Cyber Hands 2177 weapon, this game has little secrets everywhere. Here is how to get the secret Cyberpunk weapon in Dying Light 2. Read More...
If you’ve spent time with Fallout 4 then you know that conversations are one of the most important aspects of the game. Saying the right thing at the right time can unlock additional content, change entire missions, or alter the outcome of important events in the story.
Even more important than regular conversations are the Persuade options, which perform a check on your character and a random die roll to see if you pass. Read More...